Children's Services Conference 2023 from Autism Bedfordshire
This FREE online, week-long event is for parents/carers to gain a wealth of information on a range of different topics. Your online...
Bubbles guaranteed every week at Opportunity Group
Every Thursday morning during term time, we run our small, friendly Opportunity Group for preschool children with emerging developmental...
Holiday Club 2022
This summer finally saw the return of Holiday Club, for the first time in-person since 2019! The dedicated team of 16 Leaders and...
Simple sensory play idea
Lots of fun was had at High 5s last night with the flour sensory play. Such a simple, fun activity but a little bit messy! Even the...
Sensory story exploration workshops from Spectrum - book now
This summer holiday, Spectrum Community Arts are delivering sensory story workshops for sensory seekers and those with more complex and...