Spectrum Community Arts' 3rd birthday party
It's time to celebrate once again with Spectrum Community Arts for their 3rd birthday this weekend. This family fun afternoon is open to anyone and everyone with FREE ENTRY! There will be a bouncy castle, refreshments, dance floor with sensory props, selfie station, crafts, tombola, face painting, glitter tattoos and lots of FUN!
Suitable for families of all ages and abilities! Why not pop along and see what Spectrum are all about? All while raising money to help with future projects.
Date: Sunday 19th January 2020
Location: Grovebury Road Scout Hut, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 4SW
Time: 2.00pm - 5.00pm
For more information contact Jade on jade@spectrumca.co.uk or call 07741 280382.

N.B. For your information, this event is not organised or run by Leighton Buzzard Mencap.