Leighton Buzzard Parents Together from Carers in Bedfordshire
Do you care for a child who has a disability or additional needs?
Carers in Bedfordshire run a drop in for parent carers in Leighton Buzzard once a month, and here are the dates for 2019.
Dates: Thursdays 17th January, 21st February, 21st March, 16th May, 20th June, 18th July, 19th September, 17th October, 21st November and 19th December
Location: The Dukes, 7-9 Leighton Road, Heath & Reach, LU7 0AA
Time: 10.00am - 12.00pm
Chat, relax, meet other parent carers, access training sessions, pampering or relaxation therapy, refreshments, information, advice and support. Well worth popping in to!
For more information, call Darran at Carers in Bedfordshire on 0300 111 1919.

N.B. For your information, this session is not organised or run by Leighton Buzzard Mencap.